"big science" projects
China's State Council has issued a set of guidelines to encourage the launch of more international "big science" projects.
The guidelines, which were distributed to provincial-level governments as well as ministries and institutions of the State Council, called on them to take the lead in launching international big science research plans and projects, using domestic and overseas scientific resources.
《方案》指出,国际大科学计划和大科学工程(international big science research plans and projects)是人类开拓知识前沿、探索未知世界和解决重大全球性问题的重要手段,是一个国家综合实力(comprehensive strength)和科技创新竞争力(competitiveness in science and innovation)的重要体现。大科学计划以实现重大科学问题的原创性突破(original breakthroughs in major scientific problems)为目标,是基础研究在科学前沿领域的全方位拓展,对于推动世界科技创新与进步、应对人类社会面临的共同挑战具有重要支撑作用。
近期目标:到2020年,培育3—5个项目,研究遴选并启动1—2个我国牵头组织的大科学计划,初步形成牵头组织大科学计划的机制做法(forming a mechanism of launching big science projects),为后续工作探索积累有益经验。
中期目标:到2035年,培育6—10个项目,启动培育成熟项目,形成我国牵头组织的大科学计划初期布局(building a preliminary framework of launching big science projects),提升在全球若干科技领域的影响力(enhancing China's influence in several scientific and technological fields around the world)。
远期目标:到本世纪中叶,培育若干项目,启动培育成熟项目,我国原始科技创新能力显著提高,在国际科技创新治理体系中发挥重要作用(playing significant role in international scientific innovation and governance),持续为全球重大科技议题作出贡献(contributing to major global scientific and technological issues)。