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  • GRE数学机经试题练习一

    2023-03-01 16:33:16 来源:常春藤



      1. In a probability experiment, G and H are independent events. The probability that G will occur is r, and the probability that H will occur is s, where both r and s are greater than 0.

      Quantity A:the probability that either G will occur or H will occur, but not both

      Quantity B:r+s-r*s

      A. Quantity A is greater.

      B. Quantity B is greater.

      C. The two quantities are equal.

      D. The relationship cannot be determined from the information given.


      题目解析:G事件与H事件互相独立,G事件概率为r, H事件概率为s,求两事件其中之一发生的概率。



      相加可得 r+s-2*r*s,小于Quantity B,因此选B。

      2. The area of circle W is 16*π and the area of circle Z is 4*π. What is the ratio of the circumference of W to the circumference of Z?

      A. 2 to 1

      B. 4 to 1

      C. 8 to 1

      D. 16 to 1

      E. 32 to 1



      3. The interior dimensions of a rectangular tank are as follows: length 110 centimeters, width 90 centimeters, and height 270 centimeters. The tank rests on level ground. Based on the assumption that the volume of water increases by 10 percent when it freezes, which of the following is closest to the maximum height, in centimeters, to which the tank can be filled with water so that when the water freezes, the ice would not rise above the top of the tank?

      A. 230

      B. 235

      C. 240

      D. 245

      E. 250



      4. In a certain sequence of numbers, each term after the first term is found by multiplying the preceding term by 2 and then subtracting 3 from the product. If the 4th term in the sequence is 19, which of the following numbers are in the sequence? Indicate all such numbers.

      A. 5

      B. 8

      C. 11

      D. 16

      E. 35

      正确答案:A C E



      The quadrants of the xy-plane are shown in the figure above. In the xy-plane, line m (not shown) has a positive slope and a positive x-intercept. Line m intersects which of the quadrants? Indicate all such quadrants

      A. Quadrant I

      B. Quadrant II

      C. Quadrant III

      D. Quadrant IV

      正确答案:A C D

      题目解析:本题关键在于看懂抽象描述。问直线m经过哪几个象限。条件positive slope可知m大致上是从左下往右上的斜线,那么第二和第四象限必然有一个不经过或者两个都不经过,条件positive x-intercept表明m和x轴的正数侧也就是右侧相交,那么m经过象限就是1,3,4,所以选ACD。





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